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Raising Peaceful Children

This best practice approach is grounded in respect for the child. It is based on the work Dr. Emmi Pikler who believed that free natural movement was the key to healthy physical, mental and social emotional development of the babies.

This course will provide caregivers, parents, and childcare providers with a comprehensive understanding of Pikler approach and practical strategies for Raising Peaceful Children.


Discover a collection of actions and attitudes designed to nurture security and capability in infants and toddlers.


Discover the essential components of children's natural development and understand why this knowledge is crucial in caregiving

Lesson Summary

We've included a lesson summary to enhance your comprehension and to provide a quick reference for key takeaways and actionable steps.


  Part 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Supporting Natural Development
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Final Words
Available in days
days after you enroll